
The Waterfest Cometh

Thursday May 25 marks the return of Oshkosh's own Waterfest, which kicks off at the Leach Amphitheater at 303 Ceape Ave. that evening with the Little River Band (openers are Paul Cebar & the Milwaukeeans and Vale Todo). Just six bones before 7p, twelve after.

As always, downtown watering holes are scambling to arrange post-show entertainment. No word on plans from Terry's Bar, Barley & Hops, or O'Marro's yet -- Terry's had a series last year, and I assume they'll continue the tradition, Barley & Hops never bothers to publicize their schedule that I know of, and O'Marro's has turned Thursdays into "Girl's Nite Out w/ Maddie" according to their calendar. That scrappy newcomer, CP's-Oshkosh...well, I gotta admit that I'd be more likely to be found in front of a firing squad than there that night. (I have problems being around a lot of people packed into a tiny space.)

Other (free) downtown options include the always-reliable Reptile Palace, 131 High Ave., who will no doubt continue with their Thursday night 'Open Jam' (quotes necessary due to it not really being your traditional open jam) with Senor Fuckpuddle. In addition, Wally, proprietor of Peabody's Ale House, 544 Main St., tells me that he's planned a Thursday night series at least through June. (He still has a few openings in mid-June, so if any musicians out there want a Thursday night gig call him up at 235-4004.) Tin Sandwich kicks it off.

Update: Mike McAbee is scheduled to play at Terry's on 5/25 at 10p.

Update: I forgot that the Water City Grill (website is currently down; but click here for a partial schedule) has Thursday night shows. Not sure who's playing the 25th, but June 1 has Jason Moon and Thacia Northey.


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